Dillon Hunt

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Computer Science Student | University of Queensland

Try typing cat hero.md to go back to the top!


Hello There 👋

I'm Dillon Hunt, a Computer Science student at the University of Queensland.

On this site I share what I'm working on, reflect on my past projects and talk about all things tech related (and occasionally other things of interest).

Here are a few of my favourite projects.


To see more details on these projects try typing cd Projects.


Here are a few of the various project I have completed. If you want to have a look at some more, check out my GitHub.


Mini Links

A custom link minifier using github pages.


Ocean Watch

A Mapbox application that charts all shark attacks and sightings via a NodeJS API and SQL database.

Study Minutes

A time tracking web app to record study time and track progress towards study goals.


Logic Gate Simulator

Simulates simple logic gates such as AND, OR & NOT with binary inputs and outputs.

Cafe Ordering Web App

A drink ordering app for teachers of St Andrew's Anglican College.

Social Media App

A Instagram-inspired social media app featuring, posts, instant messages, stories and more.

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